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Special Visit to Share Developments at Wolves Lane

July 4th, 2024

Last month, Wolves Lane Consortium hosted a visit at our newly developed site, for Haringey Cabinet Members and Council officers who were incredibly impressed by Wolves Lane and the new buildings – remarking, “It is an oasis in the urban environment and its commitment to sustainability is truly outstanding and inspiring.”

Whilst the build is nearly complete we are still fundraising to make the site accessible and welcoming to staff, guests and wider community members. Any philanthropists or corporations willing to donate or invest in helping us achieve completion should contact 

Paulette Henry of Black Rootz shares with the group. Council Officers and Cllr Mike Hakata and Cllr Lucia Das Neves are also in the photo.

Image 2: Sara Sutton, Assistant Director Partnerships & Communities pictured with Cllr Ruth Gordon, Cllr Ajda Ovat

Image 3: Everyone together. Yvonne Field OBE shares with Councillors and Council Officers

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