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The Ubele Initiative: Weekly News

July 10th, 2023

News and information from Ubele, our partners, collaborators on their exciting opportunities and events for each week. Be sure to check in to keep up to date with industry news. Subscribe to the monthly Ubele news here


Philip Ubele


The team are now back from Kenya after taking part in incredible presentations, discussions and activities at 2023 African Diaspora Year of Return and Connections, our minds are really blowing from just how powerful we are when we come together.⁠

We had so many important discussions around female and youth empowerment, shifting power in philanthropy, climate change, sustainable development, the impact of Africanism, technology and much, much more!⁠

We can't wait to see how our new connections and partnerships continue to grow and shape the world we want to see!

Events and Opportunities

  • Economic Recovery and UK Shared Prosperity Across England

Both central and local governments have acknowledged the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and racially minoritised communities. But what is being done to address these inequalities and its economic impact on these communities? Read an update from Ubele, here

  • A new transformative journey for Lankelly Chase

After over 60 years of operating as a charitable grant-making foundation, Lankelly Chase has decided to redistribute all its assets and close within a five year timeframe. Lankelly Chase is embarking on a transformative journey to wholly redistribute its assets over the next five years and dismantle itself as an organisation.Read more here

  • What does Jamaican Independence mean to you?

In 100 words or less, can you explain the importance (or not) of Independence if you are NOT living on The Rock. We are hoping to get responses from around the world and we will print as many as possible. If your response is selected, you will receive one month full and free access to the JamFacs website, the largest online Jamaican history and culture edutainment platform on the planet. (Check it out at Simply send your response to by July 15.

Read more here


Be sure to check back here every week for more news, events and opportunities.

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