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PatHERways London project launch

September 17th, 2017

The Ubele Initiative aims to bring together 24 BAME women aged 18 to 30 years from four London boroughs who are interested in societal change, global awareness and creative enterprise. PatHERways London project provides a platform of support, information, inspiration and structured learning to enable the advancement of their ideas and projects.

The aim of the project is to empower the young women over 10 workshops enabling them to become change agents in their own communities.

The 10 sessions will involve:

  • Group coaching sessions with space for reflection and new insights; recording of learning experiences and planning for action in communities
  • Digital mapping and needs assessment of their local communities
  • An introduction to social entrepreneurship
  • Skill Sharing sessions in areas including; social media, fundraising, audio interviewing and photography
  • Presentations by inspiring people
  • Interviews led by participants of BAME elder female community activists.

The launch of the project took place on 5th September, 2017. During the day all the young women had an opportunity to meet all together for the first time. Yvonne Field introduced the reason for the development of the project and afterwards all of the participating young women took part in "Sensing self" session.

The next workshop will take place on 19th September 2017 and will focus on understanding and using the tool of reflection.


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