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SBQ Loreen

March 29th, 2024

Mrs Loreen Lawson

Introducing Mrs Loreen Lawson

Mrs Loreen Lawson - Seasoned UK Black Queen

Mrs Lawson's entry into the world was deeply anticipated as her parents had waited three years post-marriage for her arrival. Her doting parents, born in Jamaica, raised her secure in love. She lived in Jamaica until 4, when she migrated to England. Loreen had UK influences; her favourite schoolteacher was Mr Davis from Scotland. She recalls his 'prophetic' word over her life, prophetic because he was so right when, at her tender age, she remembers him saying,

“I would help many people in my lifetime just by speaking to them.” 

As she developed, her parents continued to be great mentors, and when love came knocking, she married her husband Denzil, who was also incredibly supportive, a protector and a mentor. She also felt blessed to have a few but good abiding friends over time. 

Professionally, Loreen has practised law, and she has dedicated her life to supporting people with her legal expertise. However, at her core is her heart for the development of services for the wider community and specifically the Black community within it. She is undoubtedly a visionary leader who has combined her passion for justice and community. Her community focussed work spans over four decades and includes: 

Manager of the Youth Opportunities Programme Community Roots in Birmingham with oversight of well over three thousand predominantly black youth working towards vocational qualifications; Manager for the Youth Department in the inner cities of Handsworth, Aston and Birchfield at National Association for the Care & Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) Within half a decade, in this post, she served more than 1,500 clients. She also served at The Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre. (ACRC) She utilised her knowledge and skills to support over 700 clients who successfully gained Naturalisation. This service was exclusively for Black people, and she describes it as the assignment she most loved. In addition, over three years, Loreen supported over 250 people developing business plans during her time at Sandwell Women's Enterprise Development Agency. SWEDA. To help us to see the vastness of her reach, she also fulfilled a Family law assignment for The Children Centres in Birmingham & Sandwell , working in the courts, schools and community advocating for children and young people aged 4 – 16.  

Notably, Loreen has also dedicated her efforts to The BRANCH children's charity in Sandwell over the last decade, further solidifying her commitment to the well-being of the younger generation. As an ordained Minister of Religion, she continues to support Women, Families and Children.  

Taking all the above into consideration, there is no doubt that Loreen's Primary School teacher, Mr Davis, was right! So, what has been the foundation she stands on that has sustained and buoyed her to stand with and on behalf of others all these years? Loreen describes it thus:  

"The love and support of a fabulous husband. The lifetime encouragement of a father who knew me well quoted scripture and begged me not to cast away my confidence because it will award me great recompense of reward. This affirmation he left me as he transitioned to rest with the ancestors." 

 Though she describes herself as painfully shy, don't let her unassuming stance fool you as she will take on anyone in pursuit of honesty and justice, and if you wonder how she stands in the face of giants, she says:  

 "We are fearfully and wonderfully made by a higher power. Although they may not have recognised our mental strengths, we are yet to unashamedly tap into and develop the spiritual aspect of our inner strengths. I know I possess ever-rising strength and ability to survive and thrive in the face of adversity." 

Now, we know what they say, all work and no play, makes us dull, right? So, does Loreen have a fun side?  

"I enjoy playing the keyboard and guitar with my siblings for fun. I love the theatre and listening to comedy plays and as one of my favourite songs is - 'You raise be up', by West Life. I also gain the most pleasure from spending time with my family and grandchildren." 

And what top five messages would Loreen give to those coming behind her: 

 "I would say: 


5 Laugh as much as you can. 

4 Read and learn as much as possible. 

3 Love, Marry and Grow up together. 

2 Look after yourself, mind, body and spirit 

1 Connect spiritually with one greater than you.  


So, anything else, Mrs Lawson? :  

"I have had appreciation presentations via local businesses and churches that I have assisted. Ubele is most definitely the first organisation that I have found to be most in the pursuit of recognition for Black Women and the work we have done for our communities. The Ubele experience has been a blessing and a means to reflect, share and admire the great work Black women have successfully achieved over the years. This experience has not cured my shyness, but it has caused me to reflect, take stock and feel good about the scope and quality of my work. It has caused me to exhale a little. I appreciate the experience very much, especially because it is Black Female-led." 

 One last secret to out. Loreen hosted a community conference gathering for the former Jamaican Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Michael Manley, who said of Loreen Lawson, "You are a Phenomenal Woman". Now wouldn't we all agree? We give thanks to a lady who has made advocating and serving others internationally, but primarily in Birmingham and Sandwell. We honour, appreciate, and salute you.  

This feature is part of the Seasoned UK Black Queens series celebrating Black women throughout March, a fantastic project led by Yvonne Christie. Read more here




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