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Celebrating Women in Leadership on the Elevate Programme

July 4th, 2024

We recently celebrated the end of Elevate 4.0 - the fourth Elevate Leadership programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic women organised by the University of Bristol, University of Bath, University of Cardiff, University of Exeter and the University of the West England.

We celebrated with our cohort of 30 women and here are some photographs from the event which took place.

The Elevate programme supports women's professional and personal growth and development over several months, through the delivery of an exciting programme which centres their lived experiences as a woman of colour, offering relevant theories and models, space to reflect and gain new insights, receive and give peer support and to try out some of their new ideas.

The programme offered an engaging and tailor-made combination of:

• face to face sessions

• online webinars

• small and large group discussions

• action learning sets for peer support

• inter-institutional mentoring relationships

• putting some of your learning into practice through a professional development or leadership project opportunity

• an opportunity to meet each other during the programme.

Congratulations to our women in leadership who completed Elevate 4.0.

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