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Disaster Response in Mathare

June 12th, 2024

Ubele recently made a donation of £1000 in lighting light to support people affected by the flooding and recent disaster in Mathare.

Apollo Murigi, of Masterpiece Kenya, is fundraising for lighting and detergents for the survivors of the flooding in the urban informal settlement. In Mathare, Nairobi, heavy rainfall over the past two weeks has caused extensive flooding, exacerbating existing challenges due to poor drainage systems and blocked drainage channels. The bursting of a dam in Gachie worsened the situation as large volumes of water washed downstream, leaving behind wreckage and havoc in its wake.

Many houses in Mathare are currently swept away, leading to property damage, displacement of 36,137 families,and disruption of daily life. The flooding has made movement difficult for residents, with homes, roads, and public spaces inundated. Stagnant water, mixed with waste from pit latrines poses health risks, and local authorities alongside civil society organisations are working to provide relief and assistance to affected residents. Efforts to clear blocked drainage channels and set up emergency shelters are underway, with community volunteers assisting in evacuation efforts and awareness campaigns on flood safety and hygiene practices. However, long-term solutions, including infrastructure improvement and community involvement in urban planning and disaster preparedness efforts, are needed to address the recurring issue of flooding in Mathare. Presently, the government is further displacing families settled along river riparian lands in effort to ensure similar disasters where the loss of life (210 confirmed dead) does not repeat itself. Unfortunately, the government has not relocated these populations anywhere leaving them homeless.

By providing the survivors with lighting and detergents, MasterPeace Kenya hopes to supplement the efforts of other CSO's who are providing temporary shelter, food and warm clothing to the survivors in camps.

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