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Capturing the stories and history of BME community assets (people and spaces) of value to our community

July 24th, 2018


WhatsApp Image 2018-07-06 at 20.57.14.jpeg

The Ubele Initiative started to collect stories about BME led (predominately African Diaspora) community assets i.e. community based people who acted as change agents and community spaces we ‘own’ or ‘owned’ in 2014/15.


The information collected was put on a unique digital and an audio map which were included in our ground breaking report entitled, 'A Place to Call Home’ 2015.


We would now like to add to this data over the next 4 months by collecting more stories.

The original information was collected by a team of student volunteers. We would like to create a much larger pool of volunteers who will each interview (via an online platform such as Skype or Zoom) at least one key person about the history of their community space / asset – the space could be a centre, community shop, sports facility or other asset of value anywhere in the UK.

A full interview schedule to help guide the interview and details of at least two centres will be provided to each volunteer. Alternatively you can chose a community asset that you know that has not been included in the digital map to date.

We would very much like you to be involved in this important project – your contribution will be acknowledged in the final output.

Please can you express you interest in contributing to this ground-breaking research by FRIDAY 17th AUGUST 2018.

Please email

Please do contact Aisha before the deadline if you need any other information.

Many thanks in you in advance of your contribution.

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